Repatriation Commissioner Supports New Advances in Medical Support for Veterans
Last Wednesday Glen Ferrarotto, the Repatriation Commissioner visited Wagga Wagga’s Pro Patria Centre to convey his support and congratulations on securing the property. The Commissioner, having oversight of the gaps in services relating to Australia's Defence and veteran community, expressed his strong support of Pro Patria’s mission f to bring crucial medical and support services to the region. The Commissioner toured the new medical rooms and gave strong support to plans that include expanding the facilities to include a rehabilitation area, classroom facilities, workshops, and introducing hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) for PTSD and Brain Injuries.
The work Pro Patria Centre is doing highlights the current gaps in veteran services, and aims to fill those gaps with new initiatives, such as HBOT. Australian doctors are already seeing incredible results from DVA patients suffering combat related trauma. In layman’s terms, using pressure and oxygen to increase stem cell production, this treatment could give hope to many Australians suffering brain injuries.
One recent high-profile case of this novel therapy is Avengers star Jeremy Renner. Renner was run over by a 7 ton snow plow in January, suffering many broken bones and a traumatic brain injury. Five months post injury, like something out of an Avengers movie, Renner receives two daily sessions at 2 atmosphere pressure and high oxygen to heal his injuries. This brings hope to many Australians suffering debilitating brain injuries from service, as improvements in diagnostics allow for better detection of such injuries. Pro Patria is working hard to bring new research to the table.