Soul Medicine VAR

Soul Medicine VAR

Clinical Psychiatrist and Ex-British Army Doctor, Dr Rory Morris-Butler is now seeing local DVA patients through the Pro Patria Centre. Telehealth services are available with a GP referral, Dr Butler will be taking bookings face to face from September onwards.

Dr Morris-Butler’s initial training was conducted at the Maudsley where he gained his Membership to the Royal College of Psychiatrists (MRCPsych) whilst a serving Medical Officer in the British Army. Upon leaving in 2018, he came to Australia and completed his psychiatric specialty training in the ACT and WA, gaining his Fellowship in 2021.

During his 12 years in the British Army, he deployed to Afghanistan as a General Duties Medical Officer, as well as providing medical cover in Canada and the UK. Prior to starting a career in medicine Rory completed his Combat Infantry Course (CIC) Reserve with 4 Para, but sustained an injury preventing him from completing PCoy Parra Wing training.

Whilst in London, Rory worked with the King’s Centre for Defence Mental Health Research (KCMHR) publishing on the effects of deployment on troop morale and career aspirations of those deployed on operational tours.

He retains strong research interests and feels that research and evidence-based practice are fundamental in providing “gold standard” care. We are happy to welcome Dr Morris-Butler to the PPC team, helping us bring critical, new, DVA-supported services to the region. 

Soul Medicine VAR are currently only accepting patients who require assessment for Department of Veteran Affairs report purposes.

Complete the form to begin your referral process.

Soul Medicine VAR